Sunday, March 1, 2009

Personal Soundtrack.

Its been a while since I've written anything or taken any pictures I feel were of merit to post. My old english professor told me, "if it doesn't just flow when you're writing, then its not the time to let it out." And she was right. Otherwise things just come out sounding convoluted and devoid of emotion.
The winter has gotten me down. I'm usually a winter person--I
L O V E coats and scarves and boots! The snow is beautiful and the air is dry and crisp. This winter just seems to have been particularly long, grey, and wet. Unfortunately, this has affected my inspiratory musical selections. I'm not a negative nancy, but I'm extremely sensitive to my surrounding environment and I end up becoming part it without even trying. I think that's why I'm looking forward to spring--its alive! I want to be too! My playlist reflects this desire. While you'll notice subdued and length quiet pieces, there are a few roars here and there.

I decided to not load a playlist because I like odd obscure music that always seems to allude this site. So instead, I will upload 3 of my favorite tracks.

Checkered Cat, which is actually titled, the Singing Sea, is a song from an anime called Cowboy Bebop. The song is performed by a group called the Seatbelts, and is sung by Tulivu-Donna Cumberbatch. This song is a complete oxymoron, from the lyrics to the sound. Cumberbatch, sounds as if she is lamenting something, but the lyrics suggest otherwise...or do they? Take a read and see what you think.

Astor Piazzolla is the only man to ever make me think the accordion could be even remotely sexy. Zum, is a song that oozes sensuality. You can imagine a dance choreographed to it--the tension, adrenaline, and precision are enough to bring on a slight heat flash. A much needed one.

Finally, Aphex Twin, brings Jynweythek Ylow, to the mix. I first heard this piece from the Marie Antoinette soundtrack. Its sort of cold and calculating sounding, but on second listen it reminds me of the quiet of winter. Maybe its the plinking cymbals, sounding like the falling ice?

Enjoy the tracks.

Tomorrow, new photos.