Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This past weekend, I got one of the last tattoos I plan to get. Below you'll see the images scrolling that I chose to combine to make my design. Also, it seems like summer is here on occasion, so here is a little music for the coming heat wave--I'll be honest, its just my playlist from Hawaii in an semi-abbreviated form. I'll have a new one later.

The first is of a skeleton bent down with a heavy background of peacock feathers. This reminds me of a fallen saint. The way the skeletons head is held downward suggests shame, while the background suggests a great amount of pride. Peacocks have long been symbols of pride and royalty. So perhaps this "saint" was too prideful and has been shamed. Either way, the design is spectacular.

The quote I chose came from my favorite Lord of the Rings character--Galadriel, who Cate Blanchett, my favorite actress, portrays in the films. The quote is "And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn. Treacherous as the seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair." Not only is this haughty and a tad ridiculous, but it fits perfectly with the idea of the shamed saint. Also, its in elvish.


Matthew said...

I'm not usually a huge fan of tattoos. Most people's are tasteless. And I'm personally too fickle to have a permanent adornment such as that.

However, I am truly impressed with yours, and dare say I want it.

Except the elvish script. Elvish? Really?
